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Facts About Marriage License State Variations

Marriage License State Variations

Each state has varied and unique laws for couples getting a marriage license. In fact, each state has unique marriage license applications. However, the information required from both intended spouses, is fairly standard in each state. Marriage license applications require basic information such as legal name, birth date and address for each spouse.

Couples will need to provide legally acceptable proof of those facts. Those details will be available form the courthouse in which they are getting a marriage license. In addition, couples will need to list the same information for both parents of each intended spouse when filling out marriage license applications. Couples must be able to provide acceptable documentation that proves they are legally entitled to be a part of the marriage contract.

Each state has specific requirements for any couple getting a marriage license. For example, in Alaska, couples must be eighteen and pay a fee of twenty five dollars when getting a marriage license. There is a waiting period of several days for couples that wish to get married after they have completed marriage license applications.

Like many other states, the waiting period is rather short.The license is valid for about three months after issue and couples are not required to submit to a blood test before filling out marriage license applications. Whereas, the District of Columbia grants marriage licenses that have no expiration date and couples can use them at any time. However, couples are required to submit to a blood test to be granted a license.

In New Jersey, couples getting a marriage license, will find that it is only valid for thirty days after they pay a fee of twenty eight dollars. However, couples wishing to get married in New Jersey, are not required to submit to a blood test. Each state has slightly different requirements and regulations for marriage license applications. Fees, waiting periods, length of validity and blood test requirements are likely to be slightly different from state to state.

While each state has differing marriage requirements, couples that are legally able to be married in one state, are also likely to be allowed to marry in other states. One exception is same sex couples, whom can only be legally married in certain states. However, the requirements to be legally married, are otherwise pretty standard.

In general, both intended spouses must be at least eighteen and mental capable of entering into the marriage contract with a full understanding of the implications. Neither intended spouse may be currently involved in another marriage contract, or other legally recognized relationship such as domestic partnership. If couples meet those basic requirements, they are likely to be granted their marriage license without any difficulty.

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