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In Tennessee, gay marriage is not currently legal. According to state laws in Tennessee, marriage consists of a union of one man and one woman. In fact, Article XI states that "any law, policy or judicial interpretation," of marriage as anything other than a legal contract to join one man and one woman, is contrary to public policy and should void and therefore, not legally recognized. In addition, the state does not recognize legal same sex marriages performed in another state. In Tennessee, marriage is strictly defined by state laws and the state's constitution.
In Tennessee, gay marriage is also forbidden by Title 36, which says that family is essential to society and that any other definition of marriage puts society at risk. In fact, Tennessee law states that marriage is unique in its rights and responsibilities and any alteration of the definition is detrimental to society. In essence, families are run by one man and one woman and any variation of that, will pose a danger to the natural order of society. The union of one man and one woman, is the only acceptable definition of marriage in Tennessee.
Gay marriage in explicitly forbidden in several aspects of the laws in Tennessee. Marriage of same sex individuals is contrary to the public policy of Tennessee. In addition, lawmakers believe that marriage is the link that holds families together in Tennessee. Gay couples are explicitly forbidden form enjoying any of the rights or benefits of marriage.
Tennessee is one of a few states to include such strong language in their laws relating to marriage. In fact, their laws contain language that question the morality of being a part of a same sex couple. The laws state that opposite sex couples add to the bond in society in Tennessee. Marriage is claimed to be the bond that holds families together.
The laws in Tennessee are currently prohibitive to the legal recognition of
same sex couples. However, the Federal government is likely to address the
issue in the immediate future. For the most part, the argument is that most
people believe that marriage, or the legal recognition of a same sex
relationship, is an equal right.
In essence, many people believe that same sex couples are entitled to the same rights as opposite sex couples. In Tennessee, gay rights are clearly violated not only by the laws, but by the language of the laws. Laws and their language must be addressed in Tennessee. Marriage must be available to all individuals in order to ensure equal rights.