Brian Brown, the president for the National Organization of Marriage, hit a new low today by responding to the passage of a marriage quality measure in the Rhode Island state Senate by proclaiming, “it is bad enough when families dissolve through death or divorce, but it is unconscionable when a state encourages this through ...
Democratic leaders in the New Jersey Legislature agreed to attempt to override Republican Governor Chris Chrstie’s gay marriage veto. If the unanimous veto fails, the state’s Democrats are open—for the first time—to place question in front of voters in November.
Assemblyman Reed Gusciora of Trenton ...
Nearly eight years after Texans voted to outlaw civil unions and gay marriage, gay-rights supporters are fighting to roll back said laws with a handful of legislation and a considerable amount of patience.
Hoping to work-off of national momentum as well as growing support in Texas, gay-rights advocates believe it’s ...
The battle regarding same sex marriage in the state of Minnesota may commence earlier than most expected.
While chatting with a local media outlet, Minnesota Senator Scott Dibble said he plans on introducing a bill to legalize gay marriage this week. Senator Dibble believes the legislation has the momentum to pass after voters ...
Supporters of gay marriage claim they will take their fight to Oregon’s 2014 ballot, establishing a high-profile political contest on the heated issue in a state that voted less than 10 years ago to constitutionally ban same-sex marriages.
Oregon’s most prominent gay-rights group, Basic Rights Oregon, announced ...
The Obama administration currently faces tricky legal and political questioning on the topic of gay marriage. By the latter portion of this month, the United States Federal government is expected to file two briefs in a pair of gay marriage cases to the United States Supreme Court.
California’s proposition 8 poses the ...
On October 18, 2012, the New York Federal Appeals Court for the Second Circuit ruled that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. A decision in a lower court ruled 2-1 that the Act is unconstitutional, and the decision was upheld by the Federal Appeals Court on Thursday.
In Windsor v. United States ...
On October 16, 2012, the Census Bureau announced that foreign-born Asian Americans are the most likely to marry than any other foreign-born or native-born, self-identified group in the United States. Foreign-born Asian Americans are the most likely to live in multigenerational households as well.
The findings were released ...
Reports from the San-Angelo Standard-Times indicate that the former Bishop of the controversial Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been found guilty by a jury of his peers for presiding over the marriage of a 12 year old girl to notorious polygamist Warren Jeffs. The case has attracted the attention of legal ...
They come from two different parties, who in recent years seemingly haven't been able to agree on any major political issues. However, the “Commitment Campaign”, made up of both Democrats and Republicans alike, are pushing for more favorable treatment of gay marriage throughout the United States. Members of the bipartisan group ...